that is all for now.
[edit wednesday april 2]
ok, so i found out i went pink literally 15 minutes before i had to go to work.
and i didn't have much time to really think or say much... not that i could.
i was pretty effing speechless.
this has been a really rough winter for me.... epspecially towards the end and into spring.
it was just one bad thing after another... i really thought i was getting close to rock bottom and a nervous breakdown there for a couple days...
but thank god that didn't happen....
and something good has happened to break this spell of bad luck.
everything isn't suddenly perfect. there is still a lot of stuff i'm dealing with right now.
but things are starting to look up... definitely.
this certainly was the mood lifter i needed to make everything else more tolerable.
i really want to thank everyone for their support.
and i have one thing to say to those of you who laughed at my chances of becoming pink :
i've wanted this for over 2 years.... it just seems so unreal right now.
i need to let it sink in a for few days.