I know I keep promising a nice long blog, the next one, I SWEAR will have pics and all SORTS of updates!!!
but real quick...
ACEN was bomb!
I moved out of jeremys house. Hes a lieing sack of shit, and with the exception of the next blog where I explain everything, you will NEVER ever hear about him again, cus hes dead to me.
Im living back at my parents.
Got fired from regis for BOGUS reasons.
So yes, thats all for now...
but real quick...
ACEN was bomb!
I moved out of jeremys house. Hes a lieing sack of shit, and with the exception of the next blog where I explain everything, you will NEVER ever hear about him again, cus hes dead to me.
Im living back at my parents.
Got fired from regis for BOGUS reasons.
So yes, thats all for now...
Who's Jeremy again? Exactly..
Me too