ok! so im in the mood to rant a bit.
ill try to keep it short, but no promises!!
things im currently annoyed with and why
Customers at work
Ok, how hard is it to click a fucking link? its the text that is a color not like the rest, and it has an underline. and when it says CLICK ME... well personally i would assume im supposed to click it. call me fucking crazy!! dont say "yes thats what im looking for!" when you havnt even clicked the link. dont ask me for the fucking price, if its a pair, cuz if you clicked the god damn link, you would know the answer!!!!!!
Cold weather
ok, so im grateful Im not like my girl Tweedle, all stuck up in WI where its already SNOWED... but wtf is with the weather of late? its warm, then cold, then rains, then it smotheringly hot....i hate cold weather. i love the snow, but would rather have warm summer days!!!
Member Review (on most days)
ok, where to start? start with bad, move to the good i suppose.
FUCKING EDIT YOUR GOD DAMN SETS! ok, its simple. dont have your set look like a flipbook. this has been stated many times in the hopefuls groups.
Make a real god damn name! (again, has also been addressed)
Use good lighting, and a good camera. get creative with angles. i get sick of seeing mediocore sets go up. they girl doesnt have maekup on, her hair isnt done. the lighting is shit, and there is NO real theme. STOP wasting our time, just cuz you want 1 free year on this site. ya know theres porn sites that pay for shity quality. i reccomend gods girls XD
STOP using the same faces & poses! there is one girl in particular, who i think is amazingly sexy, great photography, great everything else, but she did not change her face once, and used the same pose like, 10 diff times. i cant think of her name, but im sure her set was tagged "taylor swift" plz hunny, if you read this, dont think im raggin on you, cuz i think youd make a great addition to this site. but how bout a lil variety? being sexy will only get you so far if you dont use it!
I suppose thats good for the MR bitching. though i would like to see sets get declined. for instance, if a set doesnt follow requirements, dont accept it. simple as that. what ev.
Slow drivers
like... wtf WHY are you driving on the interstate, doing 45 fucking miles per hour!!! ugh its soo annoying.. and i cant pass cuz every1 else is passing me... FUCK
ok, im sick of trying to think of things that piss me off
ya ever notice its hard to do unles your just in a bad mood? lol
ill add more later.
till then!!!

OH, and be sure to leave love on my latest set
Dirty Work
Shot by the AMAZING anatomik

450 and counting!!!!

ill try to keep it short, but no promises!!
things im currently annoyed with and why
Customers at work
Ok, how hard is it to click a fucking link? its the text that is a color not like the rest, and it has an underline. and when it says CLICK ME... well personally i would assume im supposed to click it. call me fucking crazy!! dont say "yes thats what im looking for!" when you havnt even clicked the link. dont ask me for the fucking price, if its a pair, cuz if you clicked the god damn link, you would know the answer!!!!!!
Cold weather
ok, so im grateful Im not like my girl Tweedle, all stuck up in WI where its already SNOWED... but wtf is with the weather of late? its warm, then cold, then rains, then it smotheringly hot....i hate cold weather. i love the snow, but would rather have warm summer days!!!
Member Review (on most days)
ok, where to start? start with bad, move to the good i suppose.
FUCKING EDIT YOUR GOD DAMN SETS! ok, its simple. dont have your set look like a flipbook. this has been stated many times in the hopefuls groups.
Make a real god damn name! (again, has also been addressed)
Use good lighting, and a good camera. get creative with angles. i get sick of seeing mediocore sets go up. they girl doesnt have maekup on, her hair isnt done. the lighting is shit, and there is NO real theme. STOP wasting our time, just cuz you want 1 free year on this site. ya know theres porn sites that pay for shity quality. i reccomend gods girls XD
STOP using the same faces & poses! there is one girl in particular, who i think is amazingly sexy, great photography, great everything else, but she did not change her face once, and used the same pose like, 10 diff times. i cant think of her name, but im sure her set was tagged "taylor swift" plz hunny, if you read this, dont think im raggin on you, cuz i think youd make a great addition to this site. but how bout a lil variety? being sexy will only get you so far if you dont use it!
I suppose thats good for the MR bitching. though i would like to see sets get declined. for instance, if a set doesnt follow requirements, dont accept it. simple as that. what ev.
Slow drivers
like... wtf WHY are you driving on the interstate, doing 45 fucking miles per hour!!! ugh its soo annoying.. and i cant pass cuz every1 else is passing me... FUCK
ok, im sick of trying to think of things that piss me off
ya ever notice its hard to do unles your just in a bad mood? lol
ill add more later.
till then!!!

OH, and be sure to leave love on my latest set
Dirty Work
Shot by the AMAZING anatomik

450 and counting!!!!


i hate the warm. texas in the summer will kill me. id rather be in the midwest with the snow and the cold and the need for fireplaces. but atleast someone is looking at the bright side =]

When I was sying more expensive I was refering to third world nations and more so things such as vehicles, power related products and such. And yea no worries about the hiar I love colorful hair; wish the army allowed it