No work for the next two days. This should equal party, but instead equals research. Last weekend was ok, though. Had some Night Train, saw two of my friends play, went to a hipster party. I think tomorrow I'll post something interesting.
Got into the honors track for history. Still no social life.
ditto on the social life....but for me...its more comfortable this way
So, I loves me some history. We had the annotated biblio for our term paper due yesterday, and so I was immersed in crafty-ass 16th century English politics for a few days. I'm covering the Campion affair, which is basically when the Jesuits snuck into England, and were executed for treason. Basically, this set off a shitstorm of writing, which is what I get to...
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you, sir, are a nerd.
I'm back in Urbana. It's summer outside. I'm more or less happy.
it was sunny today where i am too......but it was deceptive sunshine.....fucking freezing when u went outside
So, the best thing about breaks from school is getting to read books for fun. By which I mean, I spend all my free time at Borders. I've reread my way through Sandman, gotten chunks read of Seven Soldiers of Victory, some history and folklore, and I finally bought The Difference Engine, which I'm enjoying muchly right now.

This is me enjoying myself.
I went to DeKalb last night, saw a show (herestotheend and Oceans), etc. The show was in a coffee shop in a two story strip mall. (also, Oceans' amp crapped out, so the first half of their set was "bassist standup comedy time"). Other than the weird location and the no-one-being-there part, it was good. Both bands were good as always.

It's a remarkably dreary...
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where i lives a bit like that.......unfriendly. miserable......it sucks!
I found this while on a faily major bebop kick. Also, it's priceless if you imagine that he's making the sounds with his mouth.
oh my god.....seriously............thats the most amazing thing ive ever seen.
So, I've been in Rockford for a bit over 24 hours now, and I've already exhausted all the entertainment opportunities. Been to both the bookstores, been to both IHOP and Denny's, sat by the river near the library, and cruised aimlessly around. Man, I can't wait for the real excitement to start.
you're bored because i'm not there to entertain you. or some shit.
I love how Urbana becomes a ghost town every once and a while. The day before breaks, everyone bugs out (back home, somewhere tropical, volunteering, whatever), and it's totally deserted. My buddy and I stood outside the Music Building for an hour and saw, maybe, 3 people. It was kind of nice, but kind of creepy.

Also, it was 70 two days ago, and how...
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Spring has been cancelled.
I'm new here. I'm probably as awkward and reserved on the interwebs as I am in real life. Hi.
girl_afraid told us to say hi.



I do her bidding.

I'm deathly shy in person, but on here, I manage to be much more outgoing, at least in relative terms. Hope the same will happen to you.