last night i went to emerg because i keep getting depressed and i keep having suicidal thoughts. we sat for a long time, of course, and then they said they were going to do a health check, but the doctor just came in and said they couldn't do anything for me tonight, that i'd have to come in today. and that i wil porbably need to change my meds. none of this do i actually want to do. i would like to just get my work done without freaking about it. oh, and my dad got me very very sick. it probably didn't help last night, either. i knew it was going to happen grrrr. anyways. still here.
later: it's ok i got to the hosiptal they are all very redundant there and it's stupid when you are in crisis but i won't bitch for the sake of you US citizens. I got antibiotics. I got a dr's note to cover my butt. it's now 2pm and i wrote that earlier bit at 9 when i woke up. i've calmed down now and things are sorted the best they can be. so don't worry. i'm ok for now. i think i am going to take a sick day today. i may work on an essay a bit tonite. and i have to email my profs now.
thanks for all your good wishes
later: it's ok i got to the hosiptal they are all very redundant there and it's stupid when you are in crisis but i won't bitch for the sake of you US citizens. I got antibiotics. I got a dr's note to cover my butt. it's now 2pm and i wrote that earlier bit at 9 when i woke up. i've calmed down now and things are sorted the best they can be. so don't worry. i'm ok for now. i think i am going to take a sick day today. i may work on an essay a bit tonite. and i have to email my profs now.
thanks for all your good wishes

I'm sorry your dad got you sick... bummer
You been doing really well for a long time. One bump in the road is not to be unexpected, just try to keep reminding yourself that.
The most powerful thing for me is always the wisdom and knowledge that "I have been here before and come out the otherside, I always do". And you do also. Use that as your bedrock, and build the rest of any recoveries on that.
By the way I just saw the post with your kinky tickets on it for Rob. HOTT!
Be well