everything's going really well. i had a good weekend with my best bud alex. he's breaking into commercial photography, so watch out, cuz he's good! we will think up a set to do, but doubt i could post them here, as they're his images. i'm ready for full time therapy to be done. everyone keeps giving me sad faces because it's my last week. but i'm like fuck yeah, it's my last week
!!! mostly because they went straight from the hospital to the program, and i'm way farther along than that in my care, they fill ill-equipped to face the real world again. and i never went to the hospital. from what i gather (and i obviously DO NOT ask) most people who landed on 3M tried to take their lives. i never got to the trying part...cuz of my cat twinkie
yes. but this week i'm finishing full time, couple lil' closure things next week, going to chill with ma girl amy for the weekend and alex is in town. have to do it friday nite cuz saturday i'm going with the fam to see a live recording of the "vinyl cafe" (radio program, don't know if you know it). got a costume, if you like baseball, you'll like it. gonna carve some pumpkins too, because i missed that last year and i was sad. they'll be fancy ones. i can't post any new pics on here yet, until my photoshop gets fixed, because i can't convert the file sizes down, i used that. so sorry, you won't see anything for awhile. well, two of you know where to go for the normal stuff if you really want to see the pumpkins. and whatnot. things are looking up, didn't mean to be so dreary last post, just get bummed sometimes. but everything passes. ttyl
