getting back to work has been a difficult adjustment it seems.
i've been down a lot lately and randomly crying, getting dizzying spells, sleeping at weird times and getting insomnia at others.
i have been working at half my normal capacity all year and taking thinggs slow so all of the physical labour and the long days are taking their toll, and i've come to just expect less out of my evenings for now.
plus, getting back to the lake has been a little bit...different...this year too. my boss boss i guess is under alot of pressure and he's being really hard on us and very critical, when he used to be a really great guy. there's alot of negativity going on from above and there is talk of taking away our shift premium, an 85 cent bonus per hour for working nights and weekends. meanwhile, we'll be working along side temps doing the same job and they will be making twice what we make. my boss boss' response was "well if the students don't like it, we'll just hire new ones. they already make enough"
we are doing more work than ever before and the park looks amazing already, in a week and a half. i'm trying to stay positive, but it falls back on me to recognize my accomplishments since no one really wants to do anything but tell us what a shit job we're doing when it's just not true.
i was supposed to chill with crush tonight but my phone just isn't working. i fell asleep expecting him to call at around six, having run around doing alot of errands after work. i slept til 10:30pm and then my mom woke me up. fuck. now im going to be awake all night!
things will settle down soon, everything is just a bit intense and im trying not to get overwhlemed.
don't worry anyways. im fine.
there are other people to worry about more than I for sure. it's 3 am i think i'm finally ready for bed!
i've been down a lot lately and randomly crying, getting dizzying spells, sleeping at weird times and getting insomnia at others.
i have been working at half my normal capacity all year and taking thinggs slow so all of the physical labour and the long days are taking their toll, and i've come to just expect less out of my evenings for now.
plus, getting back to the lake has been a little bit...different...this year too. my boss boss i guess is under alot of pressure and he's being really hard on us and very critical, when he used to be a really great guy. there's alot of negativity going on from above and there is talk of taking away our shift premium, an 85 cent bonus per hour for working nights and weekends. meanwhile, we'll be working along side temps doing the same job and they will be making twice what we make. my boss boss' response was "well if the students don't like it, we'll just hire new ones. they already make enough"
we are doing more work than ever before and the park looks amazing already, in a week and a half. i'm trying to stay positive, but it falls back on me to recognize my accomplishments since no one really wants to do anything but tell us what a shit job we're doing when it's just not true.
i was supposed to chill with crush tonight but my phone just isn't working. i fell asleep expecting him to call at around six, having run around doing alot of errands after work. i slept til 10:30pm and then my mom woke me up. fuck. now im going to be awake all night!
things will settle down soon, everything is just a bit intense and im trying not to get overwhlemed.
don't worry anyways. im fine.
there are other people to worry about more than I for sure. it's 3 am i think i'm finally ready for bed!
hope things get better for you im here if you ever need to talk i have a BS in phycology i always thought that was ironic BS in pshcology i can sure bullshit but anyways love ya
You know what...I drove out to that park today and almost shit my looks so fuckin amazing...I've never seen it look so I thank you for doing such an awesome job...and I just want to remind you that as long as you know you're working hard...that's all that matters...we don't get alot of praise in this sometimes we gotta stroke our own egos...consider it a bit of necessary arrogance...but don't go looking for kind words from might be lookin for a long time...I know you've busted yourself so far...and anyone else that matters will know that too...