I need to simplify things. Cut things down a bit. This community is unfortunately one of those things. Sorry, but I can't say that I have gotten out of it nearly what I put into it, but that happens, ya know. So, in about a week, I am either cancelling my account or just making it private again. I will probably just cancel, but I...
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Not perfectly clearly written, I should clarify, clearly enough written for me to understand. I defended it exactly as I had the first time I ever saw one of dr_H's posts attacked. I'd defended it for the simple fact that I'd been an English tutor for a year in college, and feel that someone's writing style or various issues does not necessarily hamper what they are trying to say if you can jump through the writing well enough, mentally. Being an English tutor made me respect that not everyone speaks the same way, verbally or on paper or in text. Whether it's correct English or not is not my concern... for in English, unlike in Mathematics, as I see you list your occupation, there are more flexible rules. Also, I've never seen how pointing out that someone speaks differently helps them or helps oneself, either. So it's just like it was with dr_H, having nothing to do with personally feelings towards anyone specifically, but rather a general rule of thumb I'd use towards all people equally.



my oh my

*can't think anymore*

that makes two of us tongue
come to psu
cute cute math majors!!!
I am: eternally single hetero male. mathematician. philosopher. under the influences of anxiety and depression when things aren't good. honest and straightforward. i won't lie to you. resentful. funny. bitter. charming. apologetic. understanding. vindictive. forgiving.

I enjoy: honesty. mathematics. black and death metal. philosophy. friendly arguments. being with my family.

fuck it. i'm sorry. i can't do this.

the girl i am looking for doesn't...
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well when you work with i everyday i suppose that such things in life can seem imaginary.

people love you.
you have pretty eyes.
and you have great puppies.
and there is love out there for you mathamagician!!!
See, you knew what I was trying to say!
Hi. My name is Nihixul, and I make a lifelong habit of destroying the things in my life which are the most important and that bring me the most happiness. The worst part is I can see myself doing it far in advance and I sometimes feel I can't stop it.

Fuck it. Fuck me. I have to go to the office.
pfft. ha.

anyhow, you know what i am tired of? getting 5 emails a day... ALL OF THEM porn spam.

fucking hell.

i found one good thing this weekend, everquest, and i just rolled with that.

now i shower.
Hi. I owe my credit card company over $1,000. smile

That's not too bad,... I mean, I have the money. I expected it to be a few large purchases I had forgotten about, but for the most part, it was just a bunch of little ones. That's a bit sucktatious, but I just got paid, so it isn't so bad.

I really don't feel too useful,...
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i have such a headache. i am tired of thinking. frown
i advise one glass red wine and no fruit scoopers.
...wait. I just remembered that it doesn't matter what I say. Never mind.