Well, the work situation has gotten a bit more bearable for the time being. Still gotta find a real job, but at least I'm not pulling my hair out. And I'll still have a job that pays the bills...
Saw Hero earlier tonight. Wow. By far the best movie I've seen all year. So many beautiful images. I only hope that the US DVD release at least includes the scenes in the extended cut, if not the actual extended cut.
Question - if you went and saw a foreign film, wouldn't you expect the crowd to be a little bit more mature and respectful than your average multiplex zombies? I was in awe of how rude the audience was. If it wasn't for the fact that I'd been waiting two years to see this movie, I would have dumped my beer on the guy next to me - but there was no way I was gonna get kicked out because of some no-IQ moron and his mail-order bride...
I should have moved when he decided to give a running commentary on the trailers. He claimed Sky Captain was gonna go straight to video it's second week. And he liked Alexander better when it was Braveheart. But that Jimmy Fallon/Queen Latifah movie, Taxi, was the funniest thing he'd ever seen.
He was also pissed when he realized 20 seconds into the film that it was going to be subtitled what the fuck did he expect????? After about 15 minutes of his MST3K wannabe commentary I finally told him to shut the fuck up. Should have done it sooner, cause it worked...
Saw Hero earlier tonight. Wow. By far the best movie I've seen all year. So many beautiful images. I only hope that the US DVD release at least includes the scenes in the extended cut, if not the actual extended cut.
Question - if you went and saw a foreign film, wouldn't you expect the crowd to be a little bit more mature and respectful than your average multiplex zombies? I was in awe of how rude the audience was. If it wasn't for the fact that I'd been waiting two years to see this movie, I would have dumped my beer on the guy next to me - but there was no way I was gonna get kicked out because of some no-IQ moron and his mail-order bride...

I should have moved when he decided to give a running commentary on the trailers. He claimed Sky Captain was gonna go straight to video it's second week. And he liked Alexander better when it was Braveheart. But that Jimmy Fallon/Queen Latifah movie, Taxi, was the funniest thing he'd ever seen.

He was also pissed when he realized 20 seconds into the film that it was going to be subtitled what the fuck did he expect????? After about 15 minutes of his MST3K wannabe commentary I finally told him to shut the fuck up. Should have done it sooner, cause it worked...
at least you didn't have a woman behind you saying, "oh no he di-int" everytime something fantastical happened....yeah people have no manners anymore
Mail-order bride...haha! I hate assholes in movie theaters. I'm glad you told him to shut the fuck up. At least now I know I'm not the only one that goes off on loud fuckers at the movies. Is it wrong to flip off a ten year old?