I am disgusted that I live in a state where people choose to make an amendment to the state's constitution banning that which is already illegal in this state. It sickens me that a whopping 70%+ of the population is this fucking homophobic.
I don't care where you stand on the gay marriage issue, but a constitution is for establishing rights of the citizens, not denying them. I mean, I just don't see the big problem is that people have. If two people want to live their lives together, so be it. Why deny them rights? What difference does it make to you? I'm not gay and the idea doen't bother me, why should it bother anyone? I'll just never understand intolerance.
Maybe people just felt that it didn't matter, seeing as how the last time a controversial bill ended up on the state ballot, the government went against the will of the people and put it into law anyway...
Then again, maybe I'm just extra teed-off since in the span of 6 days one of my closest friends and my father were both laid-off. And the job opening I applied for was eliminated.
edited to say I just love this one:
I don't care where you stand on the gay marriage issue, but a constitution is for establishing rights of the citizens, not denying them. I mean, I just don't see the big problem is that people have. If two people want to live their lives together, so be it. Why deny them rights? What difference does it make to you? I'm not gay and the idea doen't bother me, why should it bother anyone? I'll just never understand intolerance.
Maybe people just felt that it didn't matter, seeing as how the last time a controversial bill ended up on the state ballot, the government went against the will of the people and put it into law anyway...
Then again, maybe I'm just extra teed-off since in the span of 6 days one of my closest friends and my father were both laid-off. And the job opening I applied for was eliminated.
edited to say I just love this one:
sorry to read about your Dad & friend btw. That sucks!
[Edited on Aug 05, 2004 9:21AM]