I've haven't been on here in awhile cause shit got real for me. I have a very crazy health record from transplants to near death experiences followed by a disease that slowly eats my muscles. Well my heart stuff is finally better but my muscle stuff got worse.
It hit so drastically that we were not prepared for it. My daily routine changed as well....
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I need to be more social. I know some would say Facebook is a good start but I can't be my self there. Here I don't have family judging me for who I am.
To put it simple my medical problems limit me from going out much so I use social media a lot.
Enough with the boring shit haha.
I enjoy most social stuff...
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A lot of people ask why am I shy and keep to myself. Truth is most can't handle the weirdness that is my imagination.
A friend of mine was upset that one of here best friends passed away and came to me in search of comfort. She asked if possible make me laugh or smile to help distract me. I answered with close ur eyes...
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I got called old by my own parents cause all I want for my birthday is some awesome food lol. I keep saying I'm going to update more on here and don't I'm just to easily distracted. Who would have thought a guy getting to distracted to go on a site with tons of beautiful and awesome ladies who are nude models! Sounds like I...
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I really should do another blog. Not tonight but soon.
I updated my profile since the site change. I still have a bit to add as well as some photos. Don't be shy hit me up. I really have nothing better to do lol.
I will explain. As some know on here I am a major animal lover they make life just 100% better. Well I live in the country lots of woods and so on well once summer hit ticks came into play ive spent tons on protection for...
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I enjoy this site. There are tons a beautiful ladies that are more then just looks. That's why I joined here wanting to meet new people who don't hide there true self. The world today is full of imitations people being what they think they should be rather then who they...
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