my best friend is gone to the beach and i am housesitting,and cleaning.
OMG! am i cleaning........she is not the best of housewives,i have done 12 loads of laundry and that was from one room alone.there are still 2 more bedrooms piled full of dirty clothes,she don't do laundry when its dirty she buys more!
i've scrubbed her cabinets and they are now white again,washed dishes,and her bathroom,well i have'nt even got the nerve to go in there yet,i remember how bad it was when i cleaned it last year while she was on vacation.
.i am so tired,this is crazy,at least she always brings me home some kick ass presents.
i was supposed to go back to work today but i took another day off....damn i got lazy being off these past 3 weeks.fuck it.i'm getting paid for it !
i cut my arm so bad lastnight on a broken glass i think i needed stiches but who has the time for that shit,i sewed it up should leave a pretty nice scar.
i think i'm heading to the beach next week,my buddy just opened a new tattoo shop there,i'm going to check it out and get some new ink,i wont be happy untill i'm covered!!!
geez i'm about to starve,there is'nt a damn thing here to eat or drink.....fuck there went the dryer buzzer i gotta go!
YUMMY HOT SHEETS!!!too bad i'm here alone.....................
my best friend is gone to the beach and i am housesitting,and cleaning.
OMG! am i cleaning........she is not the best of housewives,i have done 12 loads of laundry and that was from one room alone.there are still 2 more bedrooms piled full of dirty clothes,she don't do laundry when its dirty she buys more!
i've scrubbed her cabinets and they are now white again,washed dishes,and her bathroom,well i have'nt even got the nerve to go in there yet,i remember how bad it was when i cleaned it last year while she was on vacation.

i was supposed to go back to work today but i took another day off....damn i got lazy being off these past 3 weeks.fuck it.i'm getting paid for it !
i cut my arm so bad lastnight on a broken glass i think i needed stiches but who has the time for that shit,i sewed it up should leave a pretty nice scar.
i think i'm heading to the beach next week,my buddy just opened a new tattoo shop there,i'm going to check it out and get some new ink,i wont be happy untill i'm covered!!!

geez i'm about to starve,there is'nt a damn thing here to eat or drink.....fuck there went the dryer buzzer i gotta go!
YUMMY HOT SHEETS!!!too bad i'm here alone.....................

Where are you hiding?!?!?!?