Well this is something that I've been thinking of doing for quite sometime and not sure if I should or not...I'm Thinking of moving from The United States to The Philippines and I'm not too sure if I should or not. I have 3 kids 2 of which are out of the house and the youngest lives with her mom in a completely different state. I feel like it would be a good move but scared to do it at the same time. I suffer from Anxiety so this is a big step for me. But being in the military for 16 years I'm use to moving around to say the least. I don't know I'm just worried if I do this move if it would be a good choice or not but I guess you don't know if you don't try right?
You should totally move! New experiences always creates exciting momments for you! This may be a shatter point! Always go for the new. Never regret what you did, always what you quit doing. <3
Thank you Luri. I appreciate it and I am really thinking of doing it :)