Staying up WAAAAY too late again. I had a Pepsi on the way home from work. You'd think I'd have learned by now. You'd be wrong smile

I loves me some caffeine. I can''t help it. I'll drink diet before I'll drink decaf robot
Didja ever have one of those days?

Got into work last night, found a message from my wife wishing me a happy anniversary.. damn. In the chaos of last week, I FORGOT MY FUCKING ANNIVERSARY

Went to the store, got a nice card. LEFT IT ON MY FUCKING DESK WHEN I LEFT WORK

Wife picke dme up at the bus stop, had gifts within gifts,...
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Hey! New here, staying up WAY too late. Got a meeting with the CEO and his krew at 11AM, it's 2:40 and I"m still up. W00t! smile
Welcome to SGbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin
You can go flying in my place if you want tobiggrinbiggrin I really don't wanna go but I am being ordered to by my officerfrown