Birthday debauchery

CodeNinja was late getting to my apartment. Supposed to be here around 4:30, he pulls in at 6:30. We ditch his car at the Bartell's down the street and we're off. Ride the 174 to Downtown, hit the ATM and then off to the Owl and Thistle for some warm up drinks. Sadly, we get in there about 8PM, which is door at...
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*Tap Tap*

this thing on?

Happy circumstances have lead me to discover that my account is still active - I thought for SURE that the rebilling in April failed. Jolly good for me, though I DID lose about 5 months of site time. Not too bad of a deal, really

Discovered this happy tidbit on my Blackberry the other day on the ride to work....
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First post of the new year.

This past NYE was a serious contender for the title of "Worst. Holiday. EVAR"

Contenders include NYE 2005/06 where the girl and I were snubbed and humiliated in public by those we thought were friends, and Christmas 2000, when my father's alcoholic cousin pinned me to the fridge and demanded to know if I was gay.

What made THIS...
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I know this is long overdue, but I wanted to stop by and say thank you for commenting on my "Revolution" set! kiss

Also, working on Saturday chasing a software fix that doesn't really seem to exist is NOT my idea of a fun time. At least there's SG and pr0n available to make me not feel like this day is a loss
Year's end.

Been a long, weird year. But then again, aren't they all?

Still at the same job and in the same apartment. Still married. Still have two cats.

Haven't been as actively kinky as in years past, which is distressing. I like BDSM, just haven't had the time and energy on the same nights, though we HAVE managed to have some good fun

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Went to the ReBar last night with my friend Brett to see Love is a Battlefield, a LOVELY burlesque show put on by Dirty Diamond Burlesque. It featured go go Amy, Chica Boom, Vienna La Rouge, the Diamind Girls, several of the Von Foxies, PoppyCock, and Miss Inga Ingenue. There are some that I'm missing, but you get the idea. Great, great show. I saw...
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Huh. So long since the last journal. I suck at this stuff.

Got fired, found a new job, working days is interesting. Bedtime is 9PM now...

Went to see a burlesque show @ ReBar last night, with BelleBeretta, Ultravixen, Dirty Diamonds, gogo Amy and several other hot and wonderous performers. Why oh why did I ever wait so long? Trying to go to Love is...
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I got the apartment!

W00t, I'm so excited about that. We get to move on Nov 1, we're gonna be in our own place for the first time in over a year. This so rocks
Totally random

I work as an broadband company called Speakeasy, which is the second coolest place I've ever worked. We have a lot of different customers, from the fine folks at Babeland/URL] to Wells Fargo. I've fixed shit for movie stars, corporate managers, Internet celebrities and politicians

Anywho, my last call of Monday night was none other than The Woz himself, Steve Wozniak. His...
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