I love Olivia! love
Happy birthday! smile
numbers is still open???!!! sheesh.
Hello all, EQ2 servers are down and i have nothing else to do. So i guess i'll make a long overdue journal entrie.

Yesterday CVS decided to transfer me to a different store starting on monday. I live in Sharpstown, and already make an hour drive to Spring. But, now they're transfering me to a store in Humble! WTF?!? They are in dire need of...
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I can't wait for this Sunday!!!!!!
Hello all. Been a while. Look!! I have more friends!!! 2 SG's and a bad-ass Photographer!!! I am no longer blond. I now have semi-white hair. Trying to get completely white. Any tips???

On a side note, I got a jury summons. I have to report to jury duty on Feb. 3rd. Anyone know how often goths get picked for jury duty. I think my...
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Part of my "New Year's Resolution" was to be more active online. That means I'm gonna post more journal entries. I'm a promoter for club HaVoK, so, if your in the Houston area and into the goth scene, check us out at www.havokonline.com. My picture is a little out of date, I should be updateing that soon. I am now sporting longer blond hair. I...
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Just got my left eyebrow peirced and guaged. I thought it was going to hurt alot more than it did, so that's a relief. Looking to get a Labret soon, and have 2 tatoos i just need to raise some money to get. smile
Fans of the Cruxshadows Unite!!!

A New Group has been formed to show our appreciation for the group, and to discuss and debate everything there is about them. Come join me in the love and getting this New Group off the ground:

Hello all. New to the site and liking what i see. I like the community, the freedom, and....oh yeah..the pics smile
Will write more if something interesting happens, like getting arrested or kidnapped. I'll tell you all about it when its over with.