I was surfing the net the other day and saw that my PRS singlecut 10 top guitar is starting to skyrocket in value, all over the lawsuit from gibson. so i decided to ressurect my les paul by replacing ALL the hardware top to bottom, and this time using nickle instead of the stock gold plated since the gold looks good, but corrodes like a $%#&. this way i could polish up my PRS, and put it away for safe keeping. other than that, not much goin on. ive become slightly motivated to want to assemble a band again. i miss it. at one point i was doing 3-6 gigs a week with a band....now......havent played to an audience in over 3 years. kinda sucks.
*wonders how much it would cost to sound-proof garage*
*wonders how much it would cost to sound-proof garage*