my b day is comin up but i havent really had a b day in like 3 or 4 years its just another day for me really i don't know does that make me wierd or odd for not caring? anyways about to head in for shift tonight umm i d deffently like someone to talk to i work alone and working alone at night in iraq can be well lonely and scary boring and so forth but my email is korncobfan86 hit me up to chat and have a conversation or 2 its the yahoo mail is the only program i can acess at work so yeah but if you know me or want to get to know me hit me up threw my email will be waiting for someone to say hi how sad for me lol later days or nights zachary binks
Happy Birthday Angel. Don't worry, my birthday came and went like any other day as well. I don't think it is wierd not to care when it comes to pass. Maybe I'm just old
don't get too lonely over there, I miss you Binks. I hope you birthday wish comes true.