In our city we have several religious biased food pantries and programs but not many for our Pagan/ non-religious/LGBTQA+ folx. A lot of us who have needed help are always directed to go to these church based pantries, but the stories and experiences are all the same. We are pressured and required to sit through sermons and prayers and read their pamphlets just to receive food. A basic human need. We get discriminated against because we are “sinners”, because of who we are, gender we identify as and who we love. Many of us suffer from ptsd due to religious guilt and abuse. So many are in need but fear receiving any “ help” from them so they end up going hungry. Understanding what is going on and personally experienced this myself, my significant other and I decided to go public about what we have been doing quietly for years. We started Owl & Otter’s Pagan Pantry from our home. We wanted to let our community know that they could come to us and receive a little help with food with no strings attached and that they didn’t need to sell their souls for food. We set up a FB page and a PayPal account and our community responded. We have received so many food donations and messages from folx that felt safe enough to ask for help. We have only been public for two weeks and have helped over 30 families and beautiful individuals. So many have messaged us letting us know that it was a huge relief to be able to receive help without ulterior motives. We made them feel like human beings,Gave them their dignity back and made them feel safe,loved and accepted. Our community is coming together helping to change the narrative from :you can only do good things because of religion, to :you can be a good person and do good things without an excuse. We have opened a door to something so much bigger than us. We are healing our community.
For we truly are #Goodpeoplewithoutgod