HEY so sorry its been forever... i went into like a loner stage and didnt want to do anything but be at home and away from everthing! but here are a few new up dates. so since i moved to cali nothing worked out like it was suppost to. so im guessing what i had planned was not what was suppose to happen
lol. so im trying to find a new job, new school, new place to stay. and so far no luck ahhaha but great news i got my pics back from my photographers after forever trying to reach them. im going to post a few. one note tho. none of these pics are my style. both are just what the photographers do so you can see a clear difference between their style and how they want pictures to look and they are completely different from how i want to look but it was fun to see how these came out tell me what you think.

I love both pics! Awesome captures!