have u ever. found so much food you wanted to eat at a buffet and you tried everything! and nothing was remotely good and so not amazing. this is how i feel about life. its like i get excited about everything because i expect to always have a blast but lately life has just been..... meh. just bland. nothing amazing. i hope theres something exciting to come soon. rock the bells is coming up. hope ill have an amazing time. but ill tell you one thing. my best friend here in cali is amazing for sure. no matter what hes w me. i just moved here to cali. and im keeping my head up but it seems like im lookin in all the wrong places for a fun time. i think some one i meet will be awsome and amazing but they are just ok. nothing extra ordinary. welp hope to meet more ppl. i guess the more ppl i meet the more likely of a chance ill find some super crazy awsome ppl.

yeah, disappointment is a 2 way street.

Yeh I bet