so iv got a ton of ideas for my themes. i have a friend whose willing to take pics and a girl whos willing to try it w me so i dont get too nervous. they were so sweet when i told them about sg and they ASKED ME if i wanted a portfolio. this is when i saw it could really happen. amazing how dreams can come true one step at a time. me haveing a gazillion wild dreams i never really know where ill end up in life. but i really just want to do this photoshoot thing. for me i have one goal and i focus on what im doing NOW. that means i saw that i could be an sg but i really focus on what i can do now. and i can do a photoshoot. thats how most of my dreams go. who knows if ill reach my dreams but ill be some where i know it. right now i have so many goals i could be anywhere in the future. ive thought of a ton of themes. i hope i really look great in my pics. im not that photogenic at different angles. iv been told im not photogenic. i just hope the photos capture an elegant personality along w adventure. i dont want sluttyness. thats all i care about now but i cant wait to go at it and who knows if this is for me or not but its gonna be fun to say i had a chance to do a photoshoot. and possibly have a portfolio???

Anyway, not about me, just do like most people have said and enjoy it as well as be comfortable while doing it. You're just as beautiful as any other SG so you should have no problem marking this off your list of goals.