wow.....what can i say. im filled w disappointment right now. my sister asked me to buy her shorts today. i have twenty dollars in the bank. if you know me im a work a holic. and i earn every cent to pay bills and for my own stuff. i thought to myself its ok ill buy them for her np. ill figure out the rest when i get my check in the bank on the tenth. but i would have to figure out something for the rest of the week as far as gas and food. but what ever i want to get them for her. ....she k nows all of this. so she keeps looking at more cloth and she goes i want this shirt. i go well ill buy you the shorts cuase i have twenty bucks left in the bank. she goes....well ill buy the you have money to buy the shirt but u asked me to buy the shorts. ........knowing that tomorrow i have to drive you to the oc to go see ur friends when i have a quarter tank left and still have to drive to work i confronted her. i asked her. y would u ask me to buy shorts for you when u had money and you knew i had none. she says she wanted to save it fort tomarrow to see her friends...... Pause.....she knew all of this and she still asked me for shorts.......i pay for everything. shes my younger sister, 17. she stays home all day and doesnt drive so i feel bad and i take her to eat before work everyday and the mall. i hate the mall. i hate spending money when i dont need n e thing. i dont go to the mall unless i need something adn recently all our cloth were stolen so i wanted to buy her cloth. and i take her out everyday altho i would love to rest before work. but i want her to not be bored and not on the internet all day. i pay for everything. gas food cloth for her. n e where we go. ......i feel taken advantage of. .....big time.....welll off to work now loves. hope i can get a few comments to cheer me up

Looks like you're sleeping this morning. That's a definite improvement from yesterday. I guess I get all the quirt to myself this morning.