Happy late holidays to all who read my shit. So who was all full of holly jolly spirits? I was so so, the family came down from madison, and I got a new accordion. so it was not to bad for me, it was sure better then last year.

Next weekend is going to kick ass cause some friends are maybe comming from madison. we...
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UPDATE! jeebus, and I thought I was bad... tongue
I'm back and I had a good weekend. These last few weekends have all been great and will it suck when the good weekend streak is over.

I took out some friends to mad planet for their first time and they liked it. that place is so much fun on fridays.

I also had the first of many family things, and it went off with...
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I definitely gotta do the madplanet thing in milwaukee again. i went to the rave instead on friday and then to madison for the rest of the weekend. hopefully we can dance it up again soon!!! smile smile smile smile
happy holidays!

merry fucking shitmas!
Today was a good day. Work was good, I cought an engineering flaw and fixxed it.

Then I went to a cool music shop after work, and lined up my first lesson. I can't wait to start making something that sounds like music from the accordion. I guess have started to walk the road of becomming a rockstar or something

I just got back from...
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thank you. smile
hope you had a good weekend as well. smile
This weekend was so good. I got a little overtime at work I needed it. Then on friday night i went out to mad planet and met 3 rad girls that i just found out are members sneeker, cupidsvictim, and evilsarah. I was laughing my ass off when we went out for pizza.
As for tonight I was baby sitting my niece, and we had...
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hey! that IS you!

i'm in madison right this second. got here yesterday morning. had a couple friends in town. good times. smile
Bitchin' time this weekend. We should all do it again sometime biggrin I'm still picking parm cheese out of my hair.
I was thinking today that I'd do a little surfing. Then I relized I have not made an entry in ages. Well maybe not ages but a good long time.

So with that said I'm doing ok. some good has happened, and some bad times have happened since last i wrote. most resent I got a temp promotion, doing drafting and drawing revisions, made a...
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no no, not 5 seconds, 5 MINUTES. it was impressive i tell ya.

Pork chops are good, and so is rice.

So I have made my return, but I feel like a walking corpse. I have been so bizzy, with work, a 2nd job in the works, helping my sis, and all sorts of other things. Which plays in part for not saying hi. On the bright side of the work thing I just got a raise. still...
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Where ya been man?
well hello and welcome to milwaukee,i see your into punk,my husbands band is punk like the ramones,but with image and makeup they fuckin rock....their called the cherrypops...their playing sept 11th at a place called the rock shop....i think the website is www.therockshop.com for details,if not sign my profile and i will let u know if interested...... wink

there are alot of bands you just have to find them out there....

love the profile,hope to talk to u soon,again welcome smile
Who loves to have a beer and listen to the clash, after a long hard days work? I know I love it. it is so relaxing.

Anyways today was long and bunk. I got my unit done though. However seeing how I'm one of the thinner guys in my department. I was cramped into a tight place to fix someones screw up. I got all...
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It sucks that you had to fix someone elses screw up mad.
About that dream listen to your heart because then you'll never think you did the wrong thing whatever that turns out to be smile
Pork chops are good, and so is rice.

So I have made my return, but I feel like a walking corpse. I have been so bizzy, with work, a 2nd job in the works, helping my sis, and all sorts of other things. Which plays in part for not saying hi. On the bright side of the work thing I just got a raise. still it is no where near enough for what I do, and I burnt the tip of my nose.

I wish I wrote sooner then I would have noticed that there were partys in milwaukee and madtown. They sounded like everybody had a goodtime.

well I thought I'd say hi, have a good one all.
So I'm here and alive. I sure am glad to write that or I would be contacting you all from the grave. Another thing, I made shark, mashers, cabage and topped it all off with some strawberry pie tonight, and was it good. I had to treat myself tonight, cause today sucked ass. I had to train 2 too many people at work. When I...
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I'm having trouble with my shoes, can you teach me how to put them on?
Are you refering to Dedicated?

I've known Nick for years. (I've been playing P.B. @ Apoc. since the days of the 1st shack)

What kind of A.S. gun do you have & what kind is it?
Who likes sushi? I do and was it ever good. So I think that the rest of the night will be a perfect cap to a nice weekend. I went to an engagement party on friday and got mega shitty. It was alot of fun until my sister started barfing. It was the first time I went to the red room, they had a nice...
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i love sushi. i have recently mastered the art of holding chopsticks, so it's also cool because i feel like such a stud picking up food with sticks.
me! me! i love sushi too. you know, i don't think i've ever eaten enough sushi to get filled up. i run out of money first.
I'm wearing a hat with a brim right now. Who knows I may have more to write later. blackeyed
i'm wearing a robe and panties. i'll probably have more to write later too.