The sounds trip through my ears, into my brain, down to my heart, and into my soul. I sit there, transfixed by the finger starts to thump on the desk...the beat that has entered through my body exits through my hands. My head starts to bob, my eyes closeand I begin to feel the music flowing through me. This isnt your average, everyday musicthis is music that touches your soulit imprints itself onto your brain, forcing you to move with it, feel it. If I danced, I would be out of my chairmy entire body would be infected. This isnt music you sing toothis is music you move to. Where has this music been my whole lifewhy is it just now being mass-produced? Did it take computers and the technological world for someone to be able to realize the potential of what music can do? Its like a classic orchestra, except all the sounds are produced and combined through electronic devices. There still has to be a writer and conductorsomeone still has to pick the sounds, unite them all together, mixing and matching the beats, making them into this hypnotic stimulation of the brain. From song to song, each one is differentthe way each makes you feelyour soul is touched in a distinct way.
I love musicshould I ever go deaf, I wouldwell, lets just hope that I never go deafbecause my soul would most definitely starve.
I love musicshould I ever go deaf, I wouldwell, lets just hope that I never go deafbecause my soul would most definitely starve.