why tuesday was one of the best days of my life.
woke up to a message from jonesy. you have to understand that i *heart* steve jones so anytime i hear from him i get all giggly school girl about it....even though i've known him for almost four years.
while talking to jonesy, i get a message from rikki rockett...who is one of my favourite drummers of all time. and i'm thinking i could get used to waking up to messages from my childhood rock and roll heroes.
so i'm walking on my own cloud nine when i get not one, but TWO messages for job interviews. one for a music publishing place. the other at a company that licences commercials for movie companies. so of course i called them back and have the interviews set up for this week.
but then gets even better! i topped it all off that night with a joan jett concert slammed up against the barricades in the front row!!! omg, it was amazing! when joan introduced "cherry bomb" and dedicated it to sandy, you know who came out on stage to sing it....cherie fuckin' currie! at that point the henry fonda theatre exploded! we all lost our was fantastic!!!
*happy sigh*
ya know, i should have played the lottery. 'cause the only other thing that would have made that day perfect would be falling ass backward into money.
why tuesday was one of the best days of my life.
woke up to a message from jonesy. you have to understand that i *heart* steve jones so anytime i hear from him i get all giggly school girl about it....even though i've known him for almost four years.
while talking to jonesy, i get a message from rikki rockett...who is one of my favourite drummers of all time. and i'm thinking i could get used to waking up to messages from my childhood rock and roll heroes.
so i'm walking on my own cloud nine when i get not one, but TWO messages for job interviews. one for a music publishing place. the other at a company that licences commercials for movie companies. so of course i called them back and have the interviews set up for this week.

but then gets even better! i topped it all off that night with a joan jett concert slammed up against the barricades in the front row!!! omg, it was amazing! when joan introduced "cherry bomb" and dedicated it to sandy, you know who came out on stage to sing it....cherie fuckin' currie! at that point the henry fonda theatre exploded! we all lost our was fantastic!!!
*happy sigh*
ya know, i should have played the lottery. 'cause the only other thing that would have made that day perfect would be falling ass backward into money.