okay so check this out...
my cell phone rings and wakes me up at around 10 in the morning (i know, i'm being a depressed lazy bum and sleeping in). but it turns out that it's a place calling about a resume a submitted. they wanted to know if i could do an interview today. so i called them back and said hell yes (well, not in those exact words...but you know what i mean).
it was for a basic office / front desk assistant position over in beverly hills. right by rodeo and all that shopping crap so you know traffic was a bitch. oh and then they blocked off canon for a film shoot. of course. because i go through beverly hills every day, and the one day i actually have to be there for an important reason everything is blocked off for some stupid movie that you know is going to be shit 'cause that's all hollywood churns out anyway.
but i make it there on time for the interview. got a copy of my resume and references in hand. had my interview power suit on. i walked in confident and ready to wow them.
yeah, then i had the interview.
and i don't want to say that it went bad, because it didn't. but i got the feeling that i wasn't what they were looking for. and i honestly think it's because i've been away from the office enviornment for a while. i was working in an office for years, but then i left to go back to college full time. and you know while i was in college all i could do was take part time jobs like retail because i was in class all day. now that i want to re-enter the work force it's hard 'cause i've been out of it for so long.
i don't want to give up hope on it 'cause like i said, i don't think i did bad. but the woman that interviewed me said i might not be what she's looking for. so we'll see...
my cell phone rings and wakes me up at around 10 in the morning (i know, i'm being a depressed lazy bum and sleeping in). but it turns out that it's a place calling about a resume a submitted. they wanted to know if i could do an interview today. so i called them back and said hell yes (well, not in those exact words...but you know what i mean).
it was for a basic office / front desk assistant position over in beverly hills. right by rodeo and all that shopping crap so you know traffic was a bitch. oh and then they blocked off canon for a film shoot. of course. because i go through beverly hills every day, and the one day i actually have to be there for an important reason everything is blocked off for some stupid movie that you know is going to be shit 'cause that's all hollywood churns out anyway.
but i make it there on time for the interview. got a copy of my resume and references in hand. had my interview power suit on. i walked in confident and ready to wow them.
yeah, then i had the interview.
and i don't want to say that it went bad, because it didn't. but i got the feeling that i wasn't what they were looking for. and i honestly think it's because i've been away from the office enviornment for a while. i was working in an office for years, but then i left to go back to college full time. and you know while i was in college all i could do was take part time jobs like retail because i was in class all day. now that i want to re-enter the work force it's hard 'cause i've been out of it for so long.
i don't want to give up hope on it 'cause like i said, i don't think i did bad. but the woman that interviewed me said i might not be what she's looking for. so we'll see...
right on...
Happy Halloween!