As human beings, we are obsessed with the mundane. The trivial. Every day, hundreds of thousands of people pour out their thoughts and feelings on live journals such as this. And every day, hundreds of thousands of people pore over millions of lines of text for reasons that are unknown to me. Maybe an attempt to glean some little tidbit of information that will give some justification to our meaningless existences? Maybe for the purpose of comparing our own lives to the lives of others (the grass always is greener....)? Or maybe because of loneliness? What is the point of me sitting down here to tell everyone all about the adventures of climbing into bed in the dark last night only to be greeted by a cold puddle because my 12 yr. old geriatric boxer is slowly becoming incontinent? Or how I spent my entire Sunday washing the laundry of a household where 3 out of 4 people can't even turn their socks rightside out, let alone the gallons and gallons of Shout that are used because no one can seem to keep food off of their clothes (Sadly, I think I spill more food/drink on myself than my 2 yr. old, not to mention the snot wiped on my pants legs because it's freakin' cold in Ohio and I have to be outside skating all I can before the snow arrives)?
Whatever...we're all sick little voyeurs dying to know what goes on in the day to days of others. Sorry mine are so uneventful.
I still don't even know why I'm waxing philosopical on all of this anyway. I'm a skater, not an intellectual.
Hope everyone who reads this had a nice weekend.
Look out Columbus, I'm on my way back soon. You are not safe.......
it was allllllllllll a joke. i mean, i love rap and hip hop so much... more than the average chick with ink and metal and black hair BY FAR... but the photoset was just a laugh. i think it was a success.
J says you have a skate shop... and want to advertise. contact the sites headquarters... or link up with me to get some stickers. if you want to do self-advertising, J and i can make a trip to see you, shoot some pics of me in gear, etc... and use it to promote yourself with the site.
thats what SG is good for, man... tooting your own horn.
hope to meet you soon.