Wow, I never realized how much i'd miss this site until we cut off our internet! But now i'm back! Finally after so long. I hate how insane life can suddenly get. But I guess you gotta just deal with it the best way possible....
Well, gee, I haven't been on here for a really long while it seems like! So, what's new? Not much! I wen't out and got really drunk last Thursday and puked all over my best friend's husband's truck. That was pretty fun.......
Other than that.... my life is boring!
I'm getting excited as it is getting close to time for me to send in my next photo set. Hopefully after being able to browse all the girls on here, i'll be able to have a better shot at it.
Wish me luck!
Well, finally. I can finally get a new entry in. The move is over with, but now the whole money thing has sprung up. I hate not having money. it sux!!!
Sitting here just downloading some fun music. Kinda bored. Friday the 13th is offically my luckiest day ever, I got $100 free! How'd that happen, you ask....i'll never tell.