Today is... wait .. scratch that.

Tonight is Wednesday, the 22'nd at 11 30 or so pm.

almost 1 year and 1 month to the day sence my last post.

meh. im back.. not that anyone cares of corse. soo with all you non-caring people.. i present to you.

a wall-paper.. oooh *insert awe here*

click Here

Thanks. and uhm,
Today is June 20th 2005, my last post was May 22nd 2004 so its been a while alot has happend and well i moved.. clear across the USA, went from Fayetteville, North Carolina to Portland, Oregon. started my own company and well now here i am.
MonsterJoe said onMay 22, 2004 01:12 Update foo

With this update i do say sorry for not updating more. got alotta thing hittin the fan this past week. my account will become inactive for a litte while starting the 28th. of May, im hoping to have it back up with in 2 weeks of that. if not i hope to be back as soon as...
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Ahh its sunday morning im up way to effin early.

The SGNC zoo trip was awsome. seem every one had a good time. well cept for having to deal with the heat.

the afterwards party was dope.

i stayed up 2days so i wont the most social person there.
*thinks back to funnist moment*
Go Giraff go! Get some! you can do!

i'll be posting...
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Nice meeting you on Sat.
Update foo
So havnt said nothing on here... havnt had time ... been busy doing things.

been bored. life sucks. sick of just being me..

bleh.. cant wait for the weekend for the SGNC Zoo Trip.


later i guess...

So today is Thursday, May 6th, 2004. Suchs a lovely spring day outside. with the weather in the mid 70's to low 80's nice cool breez blowing. clear blue sky with puffy white clouds. Its very rare to have a day like today. just makes me want to go to a big hill with a bunch of friends and lay there and hang out. just...
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--> Cleaning C's room for 20 bucks. for ciggys

--> TheJediSilentBob Hey, get 4 bucks from C i need cigerettes.

--> Claude starts cleaning while i help by sittin in the computer chair playing games.

--> TheJediSilentBob Damnit let me play Call Of Duty!

--> TheJediSilentBob starts Dropping change
from the computer desk to the floor to keep it to put in his glove box....
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Secret?! What secret! Tell me! Tell me!
Er, wait.. It's not fair to make fun of the sick. Is there a secret, or not?
May 2nd, 2004 9:27am

I woke up this morning. and felt different, as though i was in a different place. Maybe it was the KrispyKream doughnuts i had last night, maybe it was the weather, or maybe it was just the fact my 2 ignorant roommates moved out. i woke up and my mom was in a great mood, my dog was even in a...
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You all should come down to Florida instead!! Mrer. I don't have to travel that way.
So its April 30th, 2004.
Currently 9:42pm

Im fixing to head to Cumulas Broadcasting to train for my new job.

Bassically ill be working the switch boards at Rock103.5. 98.1 95.7 and 2 other stations from midnight to 7am. wont be on the air but ill be the one pushing play on the playlists etc.

2 days a week too. sux cuz its 6 bux...
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Wensday April 28th, 2004

Currently 11:03am.

Playing: Devil Driver - Cry for me sky

Im in a rather good mood. so as i was talking with my mom i was like mom give me money i need to renew my SG account and shes like what? already. im like well yeh its been 3 months sence dave got it for me. shes like when did...
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blah im goin to bed im tired its been uh 39 hours sence i slept last.... whatever
So i realized i got 8 days left on my account. till i gotta renew it. and being i cant afford it right now well yeh.

so from today and the next 8 days ill be here n there and after that it'll be a little while before i get the account re opened. heh.


edit: So today is the 27th at 3:11am for...
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I will be waiting to psank you when you come back until then... kiss
its 1:15am for me. im counting down my time left with the site and saying on as long as i can! its currenty 10:15pm Pst for the site so i've got about 2 hours left. eeek eeek puke frown
We chase misprinted lies
We face the path of time
And yet I fight
And yet I fight
This battle all alone
No one to cry to
No place to call home


My gift of self is raped
My privacy is raked
And yet I find
And yet I find
Repeating in my head
If I cant be my own
Id feel better...
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Hola amigo
kiss love kiss