So already passed birthday girl, what about the year you spent? and the next one?
Life has changed since the 29 Sept 2009.
- I got a degree in Public Relation and Advertising
- Decided to continue my studies with a specialistic degree in Theories and Methods of Communication
- Did a 6 months unpayed stage and they still owe me money, fuck you karma will haunt you and kill you like Dawson's father while eats an ice cream
- at work got a boyfriend, yeah this might have repaid my efforts
Life hasn't changed since the 29 Sept 2009
- Still have no solid plans for the future nor any social skills.
- Still have parents issues
- Still being lazy instead of doing all those thing i have always wanted to learn but never did (web design and japanese mostly)
29 Sept 2010 was good, my boyfriend woke me up with a bag full of gifts
Life has changed since the 29 Sept 2009.
- I got a degree in Public Relation and Advertising
- Decided to continue my studies with a specialistic degree in Theories and Methods of Communication
- Did a 6 months unpayed stage and they still owe me money, fuck you karma will haunt you and kill you like Dawson's father while eats an ice cream
- at work got a boyfriend, yeah this might have repaid my efforts
Life hasn't changed since the 29 Sept 2009
- Still have no solid plans for the future nor any social skills.
- Still have parents issues
- Still being lazy instead of doing all those thing i have always wanted to learn but never did (web design and japanese mostly)
29 Sept 2010 was good, my boyfriend woke me up with a bag full of gifts
the rest of the day was about meeting friends and relatives, and Dalila came to dinner with me and other friends and got me the sweetest Gift Ticker ever.
I also got a vintage Kellog's t-shirt
yeah, i'm such a kid, you're right.
Right now i'm waiting for Lino to pick me up, today did a reeeally hard exam and had the top grade, so i need some lovin and relaxing while i'm preparing for the next two exam.
my 24th better be awesome, have to study, and move, and be happy.

visto che amore????