Things are quite manic right now at present. My grandad just had a hip operation so ive been visiting him whilst he recovers in his overcrowded/understaffed ward. Hes pretty much fine... appart from right after the oporation he was put on a contraption that you can manually put doses of morhpine into your body using this little button. He pressed it about 77 times... in no fucking time. He was high. We trolled outta bed around 3am to go calm him down. He was a mess, the nurses couldn't go beneath his curtain near his bed because he had hold of a pen and was threatening to stab them. He had a hard cushion between his legs to stop him folding them over which he brought up to his chest for protection. He had ripped out his drip and pulled off his oxygen. He thought orange bettles were crawling everywhere... and the nurses brought over the oxygen machine and he thought they were building a shrine for him to be sacrificed. He also thought the whole hospital was under seige. It was spooky seeing him in this way.
But other then that ive been busy working. Did my first REAL dance routine for the nightclub i work in on saturday. I was fucking shitting but wanted to do it again after innit. It was like a dodgy cowgirl thang.
I HAVE GOT HOMEWORK. Seems to me like a wierd thing to be announcing on this website. A website that primarily deals with sexy naked women. I sound like a rate kid.

Oh, and thanks for your comments on my journal