To everyone who might never ask. I had a loverly time in ibiza the other week. Too long gone for a full scale write up. It brought me alot of peace and tranquility. My skin feels like cotton. Im perky. Sun-kissed basically. And in a much better state then that I left in. A week away from a computer screen has shed some light REAL light upon the world. Basically... it can be a life skrewer. I can't hack it.
Man. I got so damn stonned the other night. Places I hadnt sank to before, I was a mile below sealevel. It wasn't nice. I drank abit of cider, and had some weak spliffs. I was laughing at how long amees dorchesters were, and all that jazz. Got back to the stench-ville, and smoked some more. Was fine til about half-way... thats when I got the panic attacks, the sickness, the shakes, heart on the race. The usual. The back of my head felt like it was a few yards behind me in the air. I couldn't feel my limbs. Chest all skrunk like clothes out the wash. Might have looked like a 5hour orgasm but no... I was shaking all over my body, like a leaf with nothing but fear. And some death on my mind... worst thing was just standing up then next thing im throwing my chest ribs and lung into the solid corner of my sofa like a dead dummy. Colapsing everywhere. I just didn't know who I was or what I was. Not a shred of normality. I kept thinking it was the first day of my life, and I was scared of carpet, of wall and the invisable gaps inbetween. Scary mind games... Sucked. But im fine now.
Birthday celebrations tomorrow for the the one and only... lights, town, pants down... action
Man. I got so damn stonned the other night. Places I hadnt sank to before, I was a mile below sealevel. It wasn't nice. I drank abit of cider, and had some weak spliffs. I was laughing at how long amees dorchesters were, and all that jazz. Got back to the stench-ville, and smoked some more. Was fine til about half-way... thats when I got the panic attacks, the sickness, the shakes, heart on the race. The usual. The back of my head felt like it was a few yards behind me in the air. I couldn't feel my limbs. Chest all skrunk like clothes out the wash. Might have looked like a 5hour orgasm but no... I was shaking all over my body, like a leaf with nothing but fear. And some death on my mind... worst thing was just standing up then next thing im throwing my chest ribs and lung into the solid corner of my sofa like a dead dummy. Colapsing everywhere. I just didn't know who I was or what I was. Not a shred of normality. I kept thinking it was the first day of my life, and I was scared of carpet, of wall and the invisable gaps inbetween. Scary mind games... Sucked. But im fine now.
Birthday celebrations tomorrow for the the one and only... lights, town, pants down... action