back from argentina, bsas, hell city, hell!
rolling stones was about big boys being horny, fuck.. how could they..?
my legs hurts, my tummy hurts, my arms hurtsss, cause im so fuckin small! can you imagine my little 1,50mts body between 60.000 insane souls? one word: hot hot hot,.. well 3 words.
this thursday something incredible is happenin to me, im anxous and thankful. ill tell you later.
rolling stones was about big boys being horny, fuck.. how could they..?
my legs hurts, my tummy hurts, my arms hurtsss, cause im so fuckin small! can you imagine my little 1,50mts body between 60.000 insane souls? one word: hot hot hot,.. well 3 words.
this thursday something incredible is happenin to me, im anxous and thankful. ill tell you later.
She would never say where she came from
yesterday dont matter if its gone
while the sun is bright or in the darkest night
no one knows, she comes and goes.
ruby tuesday
rolling s.
it's sure that it's not the same thing.. but I hope that it will give you a good idea.
By waiting.. take a look on the website ilovemetric
hope you enjoy!
de ke parte sos???????
si me keres responder la pregunta este es mi email---------------------------------------------
ban a ir los rolling stones por aya?????
o ya fueron? bueno ta chau nos bemos