I'm so disturbed and saddened right now. Walking back from work I hear a cat crying. I look down and there's a kitten in a box with newspaper inside, right next to the garbage. The poor thing was shaking it's head as it cried. I didn't know what to do. I mean i live in a tiny studio with 2 cats already and by taking it in I would just be asking for trouble, my cats would have hurt it. I didn't know who to call, ASPCA? they wouldn't come to pick it up.
I feel as evil as those people who left it out there are. What could i have done?
I feel terrible right now. Probably not as bad as that poor kitty feels right now.
I feel as evil as those people who left it out there are. What could i have done?
I feel terrible right now. Probably not as bad as that poor kitty feels right now.
I was ready to go back and get it after a couple of hours of thinking about it, but i did not.
I don't get home till midnight so that's when I saw it. I'm sure i couldn't have called a vet then.
But thanks for the support. And yes I know I can't save every animal in need, but that was my first time seeing something like that and it really hurt.
I came home and gave my two cats the most affection I think I've ever given them, smothered them