I decided to delete my Facebook this morning because I felt like it had gotten hacked. Seeing messages that I supposedly sent to people and their responses were starting to creep me out. So you, friends, now have my undivided, blogging attention. :]
If you read my last blog, I mentioned something about a clean divorce. The divorce legally has not been finalized, but it definitely has between my husband and I. It feels good to know that he has now expressed his opinions and feelings and admitted he feels the same way. He agreed that this decision is beneficial for the both of us. It has taken a lot of the strain away from the relationship and allows me to appreciate my marriage for what it was positively. I rather like the wistfulness that comes with realization.
To add to the pleasantness, my husband is moving in with a mutual friend of ours who I just so happened to have fucked. Leave it to me to do things without thinking. :] He of course doesn't know of this and I don't really plan on telling him. I know that isn't the "right" thing to do, but I don't see the point in creating an unnecessary hurt. It was mistake, lesson learned. Either way, it'll be good for my husband to have a guy friend to hang out with and good for me to have a place to store my stuff. xD
I will probably be staying with my mom for a while unless I can find someone that needs a roommate. I should be getting a second full-time job on top of my part-time job and be able to find my own place soon. The da Vinci pup needs his own place to run and play and I need to be able to finally unpack and properly decorate.
One can only hope.
If you read my last blog, I mentioned something about a clean divorce. The divorce legally has not been finalized, but it definitely has between my husband and I. It feels good to know that he has now expressed his opinions and feelings and admitted he feels the same way. He agreed that this decision is beneficial for the both of us. It has taken a lot of the strain away from the relationship and allows me to appreciate my marriage for what it was positively. I rather like the wistfulness that comes with realization.
To add to the pleasantness, my husband is moving in with a mutual friend of ours who I just so happened to have fucked. Leave it to me to do things without thinking. :] He of course doesn't know of this and I don't really plan on telling him. I know that isn't the "right" thing to do, but I don't see the point in creating an unnecessary hurt. It was mistake, lesson learned. Either way, it'll be good for my husband to have a guy friend to hang out with and good for me to have a place to store my stuff. xD
I will probably be staying with my mom for a while unless I can find someone that needs a roommate. I should be getting a second full-time job on top of my part-time job and be able to find my own place soon. The da Vinci pup needs his own place to run and play and I need to be able to finally unpack and properly decorate.
One can only hope.
Best of luck!