My interview with Up In The Air director Jason Reitman just went live today. It took over a month to pin him down, but good things are worth waiting for. When we finally did connect, he was beyond generous with his time and we had an amazing 45 minute conversation, during which he referenced another of my favorite movies of the year, Nine.
Anyway, with the year coming to a close, it got me thinking that I should probably share my list of favorite films of 2009. So here goes, in no particular order....
1. Up In The Air
Intelligent, witty, and featuring George Clooney -- the 3 things I crave most in a movie.
2. The Men Who Stare At Goats
3. The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard
One of the most underrated films of the year. As a car salesman Jeremy Piven could sell a Hummer to Al Gore -- and would have him leaving the car lot in stitches.
4. District 9
BSG meets The Office. This film took sci-fi to the next level.
5. The Story of Anvil
Dreams can come true -- sometimes they just do so a quarter of a decade later than you'd like. The Story of Anvil is a heartwarming tale and essential viewing for those with aspirations in the music industry.
6. Nine
A musical, and a true work of art.
7. Sherlock Holmes
The only thing better than George Clooney in a movie might be Robert Downey Jnr. It's good to see Guy Richie return to form, and Jude Law makes an excellent foil for RDJ.
8. Creation
A wonderful little movie about a very big subject. Seems we weren't made in seven days -- go figure?!?
9. Star Trek
Aaah, trekkie porn.
10. Capitalism: A Love Story
Proof that there's one American that gets it (we just have to work on the other 300+ million).
11. Whip It
This one rolled on by rather fast in theaters, but it's well worth catching up with it on DVD.
12. Hotel For Dogs
I'm a sucker for a shaggy dog tale.
13. I Love You Man
The best of the crop of new-school bromance (or dick-flick?) movies.
14. The Soloist
Watch this movie -- and then say there's no case for the public option.
15. Bruno
Not in Borat's league, but it still hit the spot.
16. Moon
First full length feature from David Bowie's son Duncan Jones. Looking forward to watching this talented director's career progress.
17. Inglorious Bastards
I know it's heresy to admit, but Tarantino's not normally for me. Much to my surprise, I loved this one however.
18. Avatar
Was underwhelmed by the numerous, very expensive looking action movie trailer-style recruitment commercials for the Army, Marines and National Guard that ran ahead of this feature film. Makes me think that the government's most-likely over-paid ad agency suits didn't do enough research before doing the media buy. Such marketing ahead of a film with a strong anti-armed forces message, and a central protagonist that highlighted all the worst aspects of military mentality was such a spectacular tactical error it'd make any viewer with half a brain even less likely to sign up -- but then perhaps they weren't going for the folks with a least half a brain.
19. Julia & Julia
Thought this flick might be a tad too domesticated for my taste, but I surprised myself by actually enjoying it. Being a Brit, I just though she shat out coq au vins, I never realized just how revolutionary Ms.Childs was.
20. Up
Inspirational. Life's short; spend some of yours watching this beautiful animated film.
21. The Hangover
I mean we've all been there right?
And yes, your interview was very insightful. Was Nimoy easy to get along with?