Such sad news about Chester Bennington. I was fortunate enough to interview him twice for SG and both are among my favorite interviews. RIP.
"My understanding of addiction and how that affects people, it's the reason why I am the way I am today. Because I take things very seriously. You make a choice to make a better life for yourself. So I just kind
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The action in Cory Doctorow’s new novel, Walkaway, takes place in — and outside of — a dystopian society where the resistance, instead of fighting to change it, have decided to walk away from it. Plagued by inequality gone wild and the ravages of climate change, the “default” society is divided into the elite “zotta" have-everything class and the proletariat for whom — in
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For the past three years, writer, standup comic, and former SuicideGirls’ political correspondent Dave Anthony (a.k.a. SG member FearTheReaper of Asshole Fuckface Roundup fame) has been educating his friend and fellow comic Gareth Reynolds — and an increasingly large audience — on some amazing historical characters and events your teacher somehow omitted to tell you about in class. Turns out there’s a lot of epically
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Amanda Palmer is in the process of redefining the nature of artistic freedom. Having escaped the gilded shackles of her major record label, she famously made her 2012 album, Theatre Is Evil, with the help of 24,883 fans who crowdfunded the recording via Kickstarter to the tune of $1,192,793.00. However, the hype surrounding the record-breaking fundraiser almost suffocated the album, as the media focused
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When French electronic composer and musician Jean-Michel Jarre first released Oxygene into the world, over 40 years ago, it was like a breath of fresh air. The album’s infectious melodies and counter melodies — though circuit based — ebbed, flowed and swelled in an elemental and organic way, creating a space-age symphony so lush and teaming with life that it almost single-handedly propelled electronic music
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It’s hard enough when a beloved book is made into a film for a director to overcome people’s preconceived notions of the characters. But when you’re working on the visual elements of a project that’s based on a cult-turned-contemporary classic book that’s been made into an acclaimed and highly stylized film, it’s exponentially harder to compete with the cherished visions people hold in their head.
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“Human beings don’t cultivate ideas. On the contrary… ideas cultivate us.”
— Dr. Wrong, Fight Club 2
The years haven’t been kind to Sebastian, aka The Narrator, aka the co-founder of Fight Club. Having traded his position as leader of Project Mayhem — an underground organization inspired by the Cacophony Society and its precursor the Suicide Club — for all the trappings of the American
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The problem with clowns is that it’s easy to dismiss them as a joke — but if you do that with Insane Clown Posse, then the joke’s on you. With record sales in the multi-millions and a loyal fanbase that is comparable only to that of the Grateful Dead, the Juggalo juggernaut has been trucking for 25 + years, and shows no sign of slowing
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Liana Maeby’s accomplished debut novel, South On Highland, is a meditation on the addiction memoir. The book was initially intended to gently mock a genre the New York-born but Los Angeles-raised author felt a deep affinity with. However, during the process of writing, Maeby soon found that the universal truths were more compelling, regardless of the comedy, tragedy, fact and fiction that conveyed them.
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It’s frightening how little the West understands The People’s Republic of China. And what we don’t know is hurting us — and them. Inside China’s borders resides the largest population on the planet (1.357 billion compared to the United States’ paltry 318 million), which is guarded by the largest army in terms of active personnel and a formidable nuclear arsenal. China also hosts one of
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In my imaginary Venn diagram of All Things Awesome, singer/songwriters Kate Pierson and Sia Furler occupy two giant circles, and the new album which these ridiculously talented and staunchly individual ladies collaborated on, Guitars and Microphones, occupies the utterly epic place where the two circles intersect.
Billed as Pierson's debut solo album, from a songwriting perspective the release is very much a collaborative effort
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In spiritual teachings, the violet flame is a divine transcendent force that transmutes the negative and transforms it into a positive. It's therefore a fitting name for Erasure's sixteenth studio album, which was released on September 23rd, 2014. Though the effervescent synth-pop grooves are nothing short of a party, the lyrics hint at darker times. As Andy tells me in our phone interview (which took
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