Yeah, Im still alive.

Writing little sentences about the world and what for.? Like it makes me a better person and cool to notice little things. Something simple is so much bigger than my complicated life. The little old man sitting outside the salon who was feeding the pigeons, nobody noticed his smile and me at the desk watching him with the boss thinking Im...
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b u r n t o u t

Worked a whole week - including 11 hour days.
Fucken hell.

that doesnt sound fun... i guess a bit of r and alwys helps....
That must be a pretty big paycheck?
what's your resolution.? ...
stop eating crap . travel somewhere else for a change. enlighten
the world with fart jokes . stop wasting money . stop pretending
that i care . eat more greens . think more for others . buy a new
toaster . get a clue . move house . weed the garden once in a
while . never be tired . make...
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thanks for your comment on my set! kiss
Superman, im guessing because i never read the comics, got his powers when the passenger train he was on collided with a train that was carrying an atomic bomb for disposal. The radiation was so intense, that he transmogrified into a man of super-human strength. Aquaman is nearly the same deal. The passenger ferry he was on crashed into an iceberg, and aquaman was bitten by a radioactive shark. The bite was so intense, that he transmogrified into an underwater breathing superhero, who was inexplicably able to breathe on land as well as underwater.

Anyway, the point is this:

It is so damn freaking hot in Sydney right now, that anyone who could possibly get hotter here would transmogrify into some sort of human torch.
How do you even reply to comments.? I'm not ignoring you, I'm just developing a litteracy problem.

Three pages later of insufferable insights into your personality you need it like a bullet to the head splatter over concrete chalk outline. You never thought I'd do it to myself because I never read it like I care so much not at all. Stuck inside in a...
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Your memoirs interest me to a great extent.
"Enigmas Sadness Part One 50 cents at the op shop"

Bloody Bargain!!
Today. I caught some guy in the process of breaking into my car. Fucking asshole. Having just got off a train, I see said guy and run across the tracks. Seeing me he wanders off all innocent like. Give guy look of death. Get in car. Lock door. Stare at said guy. Drive off. Guy is spooked and leaves station. And again: Fucking asshole. Dont...
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Hi there,

I randomly ended up in your journal. That sucks about the would be car thief....

Your little list at the end made me smile after having a terrible day/ night. biggrin

oh and nice to meet you
I came home today and found the window of my car smashed. I had a heart attack there were some very exspensive tools and the stero. The weird thing is i live in a really posh area so there are lots of exspensive cars around so why my feral 4x4. But nothing was taken. Weird. Hidden it at my mates place until the window is fixed.
you had one rational thought for the day. I'm impressed thats more than i have in a week. smile
Car thiefs should be shot. Although Karma does have habit of taking care of them.