Happy Barf-day to me.
This has been the best birthday for ages. I didn't really do anything, but just people sending me messages and calls. It's nice to be thought of. Simple things make me happy. Even a dreadlock client today brought me a card.! Tops last year when I organised my own birthday dinner and invited a bunch of people and only two turned up... being the friend who I was sharing the night with in a joint celebration and her boyfriend. Rock the Casbah.
The card from my Nan reads: To Dear Nicole, Have a happy birthday. Don't get full or eat to much. Love Nan xxxxx. Hope you are well. $30 in bank for you.
For those of you who wanted to know where I am now in regards to hairdressing... I can be found doing teacher training at the Biba Academy in Fitzroy, and at Biba Lygon St on a Saturday. I never thought I could be a teacher - must be doing something right.!
That's my website if you don't know ----->ErrorDiffusion. I do the dreadlocks.
I have the flu.
My ipod is now 100% dead.
I got a birthday cake from my Mum and Dad.
I'll write somethig better next time.
That is all.
Keep it real, yo.
This has been the best birthday for ages. I didn't really do anything, but just people sending me messages and calls. It's nice to be thought of. Simple things make me happy. Even a dreadlock client today brought me a card.! Tops last year when I organised my own birthday dinner and invited a bunch of people and only two turned up... being the friend who I was sharing the night with in a joint celebration and her boyfriend. Rock the Casbah.
The card from my Nan reads: To Dear Nicole, Have a happy birthday. Don't get full or eat to much. Love Nan xxxxx. Hope you are well. $30 in bank for you.
For those of you who wanted to know where I am now in regards to hairdressing... I can be found doing teacher training at the Biba Academy in Fitzroy, and at Biba Lygon St on a Saturday. I never thought I could be a teacher - must be doing something right.!
That's my website if you don't know ----->ErrorDiffusion. I do the dreadlocks.
I have the flu.
My ipod is now 100% dead.
I got a birthday cake from my Mum and Dad.
I'll write somethig better next time.
That is all.
Keep it real, yo.
Happy Birthday!
Wishing you such a happy birthday darling! I so need to buy some dreads from you