Out taking photos today with E. As seen above.
I would love to write an awe inspiring entry but I'm tired and have so much work to do. You can't be cool all the time.
Hell was fucking great to the point I was nice to strangers and made a friend or two. I never go to clubs on my own. It's nice to go and run into people you know. J is awesome, ain't she?
L and I drank Pulp Thicktions at the Yacht Club after work and made dicks of ourselves.
I cut Paul Mattina's hair and said hello to him in the street. He owns the place next door [Di Mattina's]. But apparantly he played footy for Footscray.? I don't know these things.
I'm going to help teach the kids hairdressing this week. Spew. I'm not at the Lygon St Salon anymore
There was an awesome doco on street art on Sunday. Funny, hearing the voices of some of my favorite people. They have a sound now, as well as a spray can attached.
My ipod is broked.
I got tattooed last week and now I want more.
WTF, you say? Nicole got tattooed? You've got to be fucking kidding, man.
You know how hard it is to take a picture of the back of your neck?
Done at Robot Shogun.
There will be more added to it eventually.
Reading through old journal entries.
May 25 2004
So today. I had a job interview for once in my life. It was at a nice little hair salon in Fitzroy, just off Brunswick Street and how I love it. The guy was nice and quite easy to talk to and I knew exactly what I wanted to say. And he seemed impressed with my extension work. And quite open to my dream for a mohawk. We talked about movies and science fiction and I asked him intelligent questions. That was quite fine and he then said that there was another fifty interviews and he would call or send something in a week or two. I hope he was not serious about that. And I know I should not get my hopes up, but I do hope too much that I do get it so I can sweep up hair and learn something new. Compared with previous interviews, I know I did well and better than ever. I was not nervous perhaps a little only because maybe I would get lost in foreign surrounds. And I know that I want to move to Fitzroy and wander in and out of the patch-worked Brunswick Street shops and throw things at the poor people housing.
In addtion: I never got that job and that salon is still there. I'll go throw things at them as well.
Your tattoo is so cute, and I feel your pain re: taking a picture of the back of your own neck, I have the back of my neck done to, and... eh!