what's your resolution.? ...
stop eating crap . travel somewhere else for a change. enlighten
the world with fart jokes . stop wasting money . stop pretending
that i care . eat more greens . think more for others . buy a new
toaster . get a clue . move house . weed the garden once in a
while . never be tired . make a career change . pay off all my
debts . write a novel . star in space jam 2 with michael jordan
and bugs bunny . eat healthy . invest in high risk real estate . do
what i fucking want .
Lets go be perverted in another city, lets go to Sydney because youre hot up there. Or lets go to Japan and hang out with freaks that video up school girls skirts. I just want to bleach the fuck out of my hair and I dont care if half of it dies. Holidays are boring when all you do is work, feeling the need to hack off some hair. Its so hot lately I think Ive broken something in my head.
I like buying cute undies and I dont wear g-strings because Id be constantly picking a wedgie. I enjoy playing video games so what guy wouldnt like that. Ive ingested so much sugar Ive been having fucked up dreams; I dont want to get up in the morning. Love at first sight pissed off to the other side of the world, so I dont believe in at anymore. I wish I punched you in the face when I had the chance oh I cant create a scene. Its funny the things you stumble over on the internet.
It's a chicken.
stop eating crap . travel somewhere else for a change. enlighten
the world with fart jokes . stop wasting money . stop pretending
that i care . eat more greens . think more for others . buy a new
toaster . get a clue . move house . weed the garden once in a
while . never be tired . make a career change . pay off all my
debts . write a novel . star in space jam 2 with michael jordan
and bugs bunny . eat healthy . invest in high risk real estate . do
what i fucking want .
Lets go be perverted in another city, lets go to Sydney because youre hot up there. Or lets go to Japan and hang out with freaks that video up school girls skirts. I just want to bleach the fuck out of my hair and I dont care if half of it dies. Holidays are boring when all you do is work, feeling the need to hack off some hair. Its so hot lately I think Ive broken something in my head.
I like buying cute undies and I dont wear g-strings because Id be constantly picking a wedgie. I enjoy playing video games so what guy wouldnt like that. Ive ingested so much sugar Ive been having fucked up dreams; I dont want to get up in the morning. Love at first sight pissed off to the other side of the world, so I dont believe in at anymore. I wish I punched you in the face when I had the chance oh I cant create a scene. Its funny the things you stumble over on the internet.
It's a chicken.

Anyway, the point is this:
It is so damn freaking hot in Sydney right now, that anyone who could possibly get hotter here would transmogrify into some sort of human torch.