Today. I caught some guy in the process of breaking into my car. Fucking asshole. Having just got off a train, I see said guy and run across the tracks. Seeing me he wanders off all innocent like. Give guy look of death. Get in car. Lock door. Stare at said guy. Drive off. Guy is spooked and leaves station. And again: Fucking asshole. Dont touch my fucking shit.
My rap name is M.Cole according to the guy who calls you buddy at Starbucks. The chick who gave me my drink with a fancy Italian name couldnt pronounce it. Speaking of Italians - this guy at Biba, Massimo, is full on bellisimo this, bellisimo that and his brother came over from Italy. Supposedly he is a model for Dolce & Gabanna. But I dont get it. Models think theyre all that and such a value to humanity with their over processed blonde hair. Whatever. Stuck up like superglue - I can see up your nose. Humanity is all so well documented in bold periodicals and lock and key. Im bitter and antisocial and feel bad when good things that are predicted in my horror-scope dont come true. ElyPeteAndI went and made badges. I love badges.
When you walk one way and the person goes the same way and you bump into each other. Then you go the other direction to go around and they think the exact same thing. Its all a bit awkward. Being called buddy is a little masculine for my taste. Everythings boring and nobody has anything interesting to say despite constantly justifying their actions to some fuck who doesnt matter. The universal colour of ink is blue.
Back in 2000, Michael Moore ran a Ficus Tree for US congress. Some guy was heard to remark, Ive never seen a congressman photosynthesise before!. The opinion poll was 11-89% in favour of the Ficus.
Its called a murder of crows for a reason. Shes a bit busy, you know. The pot and the kettle all by herself. Little letters to who the fuck cares. Its all amusing how people who do not know each other have arguments by way of MX. Dear Chick on the Broadmeadows train who had her feet on the seat. No one wants to sit in dirt - from dirty bum lady. Dear Dirty Bum Lady, I was that chick on the Broadmeadows train and my shoes were on a bag which was on the seat - from Chick. And so on. The moral of these pervious paragraphs so far is: dont be lead astray by bad people dressed up as pretty little dead things.
My planner is full of little mental notes and journal entries. And its almost the end of the year and whatll I do then because finally Ive become attached to it. Apparently Im a very precise haircutter - my lines are clean and shit, yo. I did a whole hair cut without really knowing what I was doing. Made it up as I went along and it turned out hot.
Rational thoughts for today: 1
Worthwhile things achieved: 2
Irrational thoughts for today: 15
Steps towards spiritual enlightenment: 0
My rap name is M.Cole according to the guy who calls you buddy at Starbucks. The chick who gave me my drink with a fancy Italian name couldnt pronounce it. Speaking of Italians - this guy at Biba, Massimo, is full on bellisimo this, bellisimo that and his brother came over from Italy. Supposedly he is a model for Dolce & Gabanna. But I dont get it. Models think theyre all that and such a value to humanity with their over processed blonde hair. Whatever. Stuck up like superglue - I can see up your nose. Humanity is all so well documented in bold periodicals and lock and key. Im bitter and antisocial and feel bad when good things that are predicted in my horror-scope dont come true. ElyPeteAndI went and made badges. I love badges.
When you walk one way and the person goes the same way and you bump into each other. Then you go the other direction to go around and they think the exact same thing. Its all a bit awkward. Being called buddy is a little masculine for my taste. Everythings boring and nobody has anything interesting to say despite constantly justifying their actions to some fuck who doesnt matter. The universal colour of ink is blue.
Back in 2000, Michael Moore ran a Ficus Tree for US congress. Some guy was heard to remark, Ive never seen a congressman photosynthesise before!. The opinion poll was 11-89% in favour of the Ficus.
Its called a murder of crows for a reason. Shes a bit busy, you know. The pot and the kettle all by herself. Little letters to who the fuck cares. Its all amusing how people who do not know each other have arguments by way of MX. Dear Chick on the Broadmeadows train who had her feet on the seat. No one wants to sit in dirt - from dirty bum lady. Dear Dirty Bum Lady, I was that chick on the Broadmeadows train and my shoes were on a bag which was on the seat - from Chick. And so on. The moral of these pervious paragraphs so far is: dont be lead astray by bad people dressed up as pretty little dead things.
My planner is full of little mental notes and journal entries. And its almost the end of the year and whatll I do then because finally Ive become attached to it. Apparently Im a very precise haircutter - my lines are clean and shit, yo. I did a whole hair cut without really knowing what I was doing. Made it up as I went along and it turned out hot.
Rational thoughts for today: 1
Worthwhile things achieved: 2
Irrational thoughts for today: 15
Steps towards spiritual enlightenment: 0
I randomly ended up in your journal. That sucks about the would be car thief....
Your little list at the end made me smile after having a terrible day/ night.
oh and nice to meet you
you had one rational thought for the day. I'm impressed thats more than i have in a week.
Car thiefs should be shot. Although Karma does have habit of taking care of them.