2 new books to read this week/weekend... Prison Writings: My Life is my Sun Dance by Leonard Peltier ... and... Secret Life: Firsthand Accounts of UFO Abductions by David M. Jacobs, Ph.D.
both by choice, tough the first is something I am using quotes from (hopefully) for a paper and presentation on the great author of said book. NOTE: If you do not know who this man is, or his story, or the story of his people, I ask that you read a little of whatever wikipedia or other bullshit websites pop up; becuase although they are far from academic material, they'll give you the jist of what this man is about. It's sad. It's tragic. And we need to do our part to try t get this man his freedom back. Write a letter do your dear Obama, friends... unite for the common good of saving a human from the hell of prison, and return him to his people.
Sorry, I get kind of soap-boxy about stuff like this. So, yeah, Leonard Peltier... (also, check out Incident at Oglala - The Leonard Peltier Story... find the DVD, youtube, whatever... watch this shit)... I'm one with a real soft spot for any person or group of persons who are treated as less than, forced to suffer, and so on... especially when it comes to shit like this. I get teary eyed, believe it or not... and I am not one for crying and other leakings of the face.
Secret Life is actually more of a "I fucking wonder if this shit is real... I want to hear what the people who claim to have been probed, inpregnated, and raped by these sleek little aliens have to say..." and so... I shall find out. That is, if I have time between mommyhood, Job A, Job B, school, and teaching on Sundays.
Want some comedy... people... Catholic people... have chosen me and now allow me to teach their children about religion, becuase they believe that I can "connect with the kids, being younger and more "hip" or something"... yeah, I'm still in shock, and it's been a month and a half already. I bribe them with candy to read and answer questions... and then send them to mass all sugar-buzzed up
Yeah... between all my stuff to do (obligatory) and the reality that I refuse to do anything other than hang out with/teach/snuggle/sing/dance/laugh/play/adventure/etc. with my son when he's awake... I have from 830PM ish until I pass out or whatever to do homework, laundry, cleaning, bathing, lunch-packing, eating, relaxing, and oh, reading shit that entertains me, because I basically hate TV. and... I think there's a glass of wine mixed in there somewhere... but I can't remember... shit.
So, it's 1036PM... I want a cigarette, some Ramen (with seasalt, garlic, crushed red pepper, and peperjack cheese... try it... it's like sex in your mouth, without the fear of consistency, texture or flavor... or smell) and then, though I should be reading about the thrilling history of our nation from roughly 1930something through 1950something... Reading some of these books that I WANT to read sounds way more rewarding at this moment... (also, I decided at 830 that I was going to read these books, smoke, and eat... and yet... here I sit)
Love, clarity, and boobies to you all.... lots and lots of boobies....
P.S. Here's a pic of my son and me being country folk, as we live in Wisconsin, and I'm a fan of all things that taste good and save money, especially when they help the environment... so we garden... like rockstars! (Also, I doubt I'll ever put a clear picture of him/his face up here, only because it feels wrong to me to have my innocent, darling son on the same website where his mother can be viewed nude... just a thought)

both by choice, tough the first is something I am using quotes from (hopefully) for a paper and presentation on the great author of said book. NOTE: If you do not know who this man is, or his story, or the story of his people, I ask that you read a little of whatever wikipedia or other bullshit websites pop up; becuase although they are far from academic material, they'll give you the jist of what this man is about. It's sad. It's tragic. And we need to do our part to try t get this man his freedom back. Write a letter do your dear Obama, friends... unite for the common good of saving a human from the hell of prison, and return him to his people.
Sorry, I get kind of soap-boxy about stuff like this. So, yeah, Leonard Peltier... (also, check out Incident at Oglala - The Leonard Peltier Story... find the DVD, youtube, whatever... watch this shit)... I'm one with a real soft spot for any person or group of persons who are treated as less than, forced to suffer, and so on... especially when it comes to shit like this. I get teary eyed, believe it or not... and I am not one for crying and other leakings of the face.
Secret Life is actually more of a "I fucking wonder if this shit is real... I want to hear what the people who claim to have been probed, inpregnated, and raped by these sleek little aliens have to say..." and so... I shall find out. That is, if I have time between mommyhood, Job A, Job B, school, and teaching on Sundays.
Want some comedy... people... Catholic people... have chosen me and now allow me to teach their children about religion, becuase they believe that I can "connect with the kids, being younger and more "hip" or something"... yeah, I'm still in shock, and it's been a month and a half already. I bribe them with candy to read and answer questions... and then send them to mass all sugar-buzzed up
Yeah... between all my stuff to do (obligatory) and the reality that I refuse to do anything other than hang out with/teach/snuggle/sing/dance/laugh/play/adventure/etc. with my son when he's awake... I have from 830PM ish until I pass out or whatever to do homework, laundry, cleaning, bathing, lunch-packing, eating, relaxing, and oh, reading shit that entertains me, because I basically hate TV. and... I think there's a glass of wine mixed in there somewhere... but I can't remember... shit.
So, it's 1036PM... I want a cigarette, some Ramen (with seasalt, garlic, crushed red pepper, and peperjack cheese... try it... it's like sex in your mouth, without the fear of consistency, texture or flavor... or smell) and then, though I should be reading about the thrilling history of our nation from roughly 1930something through 1950something... Reading some of these books that I WANT to read sounds way more rewarding at this moment... (also, I decided at 830 that I was going to read these books, smoke, and eat... and yet... here I sit)
Love, clarity, and boobies to you all.... lots and lots of boobies....
P.S. Here's a pic of my son and me being country folk, as we live in Wisconsin, and I'm a fan of all things that taste good and save money, especially when they help the environment... so we garden... like rockstars! (Also, I doubt I'll ever put a clear picture of him/his face up here, only because it feels wrong to me to have my innocent, darling son on the same website where his mother can be viewed nude... just a thought)

I think kids just don't give a damn nowadays. Read up on Pine Ridge and AIM. Free Leonard Peltier!
yay for people who know shit! lol. I'm so over the widespread ignorance in this country. How can things like this go forgotten? Why does no one make it a point to educate the youth of today about these things, so that they, too, can take action?! I tell you what, my little man will know what the eff is up... that's all I'm saying.