Hey everyone long time no speak i know however there has been alot happening in my life recently.
First of all i haven't got a pc at the moment hence why i haven't updated in ages..
I am now 20 weeks pregnant (shock horror) still getting used to the idea and its been very difficult as i haven't been well at all with it.
Im also wanting to be on my own as there is too much happened and happening for me to deal with.
I have also decided that i am leaving this site as its not what it used to be and i haven't missed it at all so im just going to let my contract run out.
hope everyone are ok
First of all i haven't got a pc at the moment hence why i haven't updated in ages..
I am now 20 weeks pregnant (shock horror) still getting used to the idea and its been very difficult as i haven't been well at all with it.
Im also wanting to be on my own as there is too much happened and happening for me to deal with.
I have also decided that i am leaving this site as its not what it used to be and i haven't missed it at all so im just going to let my contract run out.
hope everyone are ok

im sure with it been unplaned and such that its harder than when its planed
my 'sister' went threw it and to be honist i dont think she would give it up for anything now
so think positive and im sure you will be ok and be a wonderfull mom