Why are their Christmas commericals on already?
Why doesnt MTV rename itself the 50 cent channel?
Is there an epsode of Law and Order on every hour of the day?
How can their be a channel devoted to only reality TV?
Why are commericals so stupid?
Why is Fuse becoming more like MTV each week?
Why are the only videos played on MTV or VH1 rap or R & B?
Why doesnt VH1 classic play more good 80s rock?
When will music exics realize we need a new sound in music?
Why do I find women sexy when their eye make up is messy?
Why can the ulgest woman wear platforms and I find her hot?
Why dont more women let their bush grow a bit?
WHy do I ask all these questions?
Why doesnt MTV rename itself the 50 cent channel?
Is there an epsode of Law and Order on every hour of the day?
How can their be a channel devoted to only reality TV?
Why are commericals so stupid?
Why is Fuse becoming more like MTV each week?
Why are the only videos played on MTV or VH1 rap or R & B?
Why doesnt VH1 classic play more good 80s rock?
When will music exics realize we need a new sound in music?
Why do I find women sexy when their eye make up is messy?
Why can the ulgest woman wear platforms and I find her hot?
Why dont more women let their bush grow a bit?
WHy do I ask all these questions?
~Because teenagers lack the ability to make there own choices, and be there own person
~so people can live vicariously through others doings
~Cause' the masses are asses
~No idea what FUSE is, sorry
~We live in a gangsta paradise
~I agree, we need to see the record spin round round right round
~I think this ties into the individuality thing again...it's just like fashion
~cause dirty grrls are hawt
~it's all about the legs
~I wish the same, but it's a stripper revolution