So, yesterday I had a mediation session with my ex-wife about my 13-year-old daughter moving in with us. A little background, we decided that she had a choice before high school but that is a year away and she wants to move now. There is a lot of crap in the parenting plan that I agreed to and have been following but toward the end of this negotiation she brings up SG. WHAT!?! Well, she had to do some kind of investigation on me to figure it out, as on any search it does not come up and my daughter has no idea since there is a stipulation in the parenting plan about having parental controls and passwords on computers. I was very calm and said it is like any other parenting issue, drinking, drugs, language or sex If youre a kid, you cant do it, when you are an adult you can decide what to do.
I am still so anger about this. There has never been an issue about anything with my daughter when she is in our care Period! Never mind that I took the blame for the divorce, let her have anything she wanted and am paying for everything my daughter needs Im thinking I made it too easy on her and that needs to stop or for the rest of my life I will have to deal with her shit Was I blind this whole time? I know that it takes 2 to tango and it was half her fault for the divorce but maybe I missed that she was a passive-aggressive cunt the whole time? I always gave her the benefit of the doubt, that she was over everything that happened but I live and learn. Her interest is not about my daughter but about trying to make me pay. I know that my intentions are pure Fuck her and the high fucking horse she rode in on
She will die not knowing what real love and affection is and probably with an angry child.
I am still so anger about this. There has never been an issue about anything with my daughter when she is in our care Period! Never mind that I took the blame for the divorce, let her have anything she wanted and am paying for everything my daughter needs Im thinking I made it too easy on her and that needs to stop or for the rest of my life I will have to deal with her shit Was I blind this whole time? I know that it takes 2 to tango and it was half her fault for the divorce but maybe I missed that she was a passive-aggressive cunt the whole time? I always gave her the benefit of the doubt, that she was over everything that happened but I live and learn. Her interest is not about my daughter but about trying to make me pay. I know that my intentions are pure Fuck her and the high fucking horse she rode in on

She sounds like a self righteous bitch. What exactly does she charge about SG? I'm wondering how it can influence things. It sounds insane to even bring it up to me. Good Luck with her. 

i love you too baby....blows my mind that anyone would ever be dumb enough to give you up... you are amazing