I went to see Kings of Leon in Brixton and they were unbelievably good. I took Friday off because I knew I was going to be fucked and I was.
One thing I do miss about London-
Driving through the city in a minicab at 3 in the morning, Coming down a bit but not much, still sweating and hot, ears shot to hell and ringing, laughing with friends, everyone shuts up to listen to Wings' Silly Love Songs played on Magic FM. We all get a bit emotional.
Can you only get Magic FM in minicabs?
What is it about pills that make you well up to Phil Collins' Against all odds?
One thing I do miss about London-
Driving through the city in a minicab at 3 in the morning, Coming down a bit but not much, still sweating and hot, ears shot to hell and ringing, laughing with friends, everyone shuts up to listen to Wings' Silly Love Songs played on Magic FM. We all get a bit emotional.
Can you only get Magic FM in minicabs?
What is it about pills that make you well up to Phil Collins' Against all odds?

I got your email and replied, or thought I did anyway. Didn't you get a response from me?
I don't think I could in all conscience allow a White Stripes fan to stay under my roof. Meeeeeeow.
Hmm, that's not right.