I still cant quite get into the flow with this journal thingy!! And I'm a writer :s no hope for any of us is there! Ive never been one to keep a diary or anything, so its just a bit weird knowing what to write...and wondering if anyone will actually give a fuck and want to read it! lol. I guess that I could just give you my manifesto for life, and some pearls of my wisdom... hmmm maybe not
Anyway, I hope that everyone has a really nice xmas and gets lotsa lovely pressies.
Also, im not one to name drop (of course *ahem*) but hey have u seen that up there? *points* Ive got my first proper friend on here AND shes a full on Suicide Girl! so nah nah nah nah nah!! LOL...I was kinda chuffed though, especially becos she seems such a sweetheart.
later peeps
I still cant quite get into the flow with this journal thingy!! And I'm a writer :s no hope for any of us is there! Ive never been one to keep a diary or anything, so its just a bit weird knowing what to write...and wondering if anyone will actually give a fuck and want to read it! lol. I guess that I could just give you my manifesto for life, and some pearls of my wisdom... hmmm maybe not

Anyway, I hope that everyone has a really nice xmas and gets lotsa lovely pressies.
Also, im not one to name drop (of course *ahem*) but hey have u seen that up there? *points* Ive got my first proper friend on here AND shes a full on Suicide Girl! so nah nah nah nah nah!! LOL...I was kinda chuffed though, especially becos she seems such a sweetheart.
later peeps