How is 3960 supposed to cover studying in another country, fucking usa, for 9 fucking months?!?!?!?!
I guess they assume because I'm not eligible for extra financial help (my dad got his pension in a big lump sum last year) they assume bank of dad will cover the rest I need! He needs that money to live on for the rest of his life ASSHOLES!
I'd have got more if I'd have been studying in London!
I guess Im gonna have to get myself into spiralling debt for this one, taking out another loan with some dodgy fucking company that will rape me for every penny I have and probably make me have to come halfway through the year, seeing as most ASSHOLE high street banks wont give a student a decent loan *le sigh*
(ahem ignore the fact I already used up a 1500 overdraft
Id have saved up a bit more if I wasnt having extortionate tax taking off my earnings!!!! FUCKING CUNTS
ps. Im not in a good mood
pps. My local education authority are fucking cunts.
How is 3960 supposed to cover studying in another country, fucking usa, for 9 fucking months?!?!?!?!
I guess they assume because I'm not eligible for extra financial help (my dad got his pension in a big lump sum last year) they assume bank of dad will cover the rest I need! He needs that money to live on for the rest of his life ASSHOLES!
I'd have got more if I'd have been studying in London!
I guess Im gonna have to get myself into spiralling debt for this one, taking out another loan with some dodgy fucking company that will rape me for every penny I have and probably make me have to come halfway through the year, seeing as most ASSHOLE high street banks wont give a student a decent loan *le sigh*
Id have saved up a bit more if I wasnt having extortionate tax taking off my earnings!!!! FUCKING CUNTS
ps. Im not in a good mood
pps. My local education authority are fucking cunts.
What you gotta do girl is turn that frown upside down and come up with a money making extravagansa, and when you do, let me know.